Logica is excited to announce its first annual HIT Developers Conference happening March 30-31, 2017 in New Orleans, Louisiana. This year's conference will focus on the emerging SMART on FHIR ecosystem and will feature presentations from Allscripts, Cerner, Epic, Logica, prominent providers, and HIT developers.
As the name implies, this conference will be geared towards developers. We'll run sessions and panels with EHR vendors, developers, and FHIR community leaders, in order to help you:
Learn about Allscripts, Cerner, and Epic's current SMART on FHIR and near-term capabilities, development resources, and details about their developer programs.
Evaluate the existing SMART on FHIR community based developer tools (SDKs, tutorials and documentation, sandboxes, data creation and manipulation tools, testing frameworks, and app galleries).
Hear from successful App Developers with panels such as: Lessons learned from getting a SMART on FHIR App into production.
Discover the business side of getting apps into production (validation, contracts, etc.).
Network with other Health IT application and platform developers.
LSU HSC Human Development Center
411 South Prieur Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Date & Agenda
March 30-31, 2017
Registration in now closed.